Thursday, 4 August 2016

Aalame haziraat by Qaiser Ahmad B.A free download

Aalame haziraat by Qaiser Ahmad B.A free download from mediafire.

The price of Aalame haziraat amliyat book is Rs 300 but you can download it for free.

This book contain the following amliyats:

  1. Zarori batain
  2. Norani ahmal e hazirat
  3. motafariq norani ahmal e hazirat
  4. hazirat bara e arwah
  5. hazirat bara e jin o pari (fairy rituals) and pari zad
  6. Hamzad ko hazir karne ke nayab ahmal
  7. chor,dafina, khazana aur gumshudda ka chezai mahlom karna
  8. talashimat e hazirat
  9. Safli hazirat
  10. elaj bazarya e hazirat

Click the below download link to download this amliyat book for free. After clicking the link just wait for 5 seconds and skip the ad to download this amliyaat book.

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jinnat, jaadu aur hamzad by hazratabadin

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