Thursday, 9 May 2019

Broadband Services: Business Models and Technologies for Community Networks


Access to the Internet is an increasing problem in many areas of the world. As the popularity and usefulness of the Internet increases on a daily basis, lack of access to the technology is putting many groups at a disadvantage in terms of better education, better jobs and even in terms of higher levels of civic participation. However, creating a network infrastructure to serve outlying communities and sectors of the population is not straight-forward. This book brings together all the aspects of the problem - technical, regulatory and economic - into one volume to provide a comprehensive resource. It describes the latest technological advances that allow cost-effective network infrastructures to be built, and places them in the context of the applications and services that the infrastructure will deliver. A section on business models and case studies from North American and Europe demonstrate that the solutions are economically and practically viable.This book is essential for anyone looking to gain an understanding of the issues and technology surrounding the access debate. It will be of particular relevance to network engineers/designers/planners at the incumbent operator companies charged with delivering broadband access to as yet unconnected regions. Governments and regulatory bodies will also find this a useful guide to the problems that they may face.

This book,Broadband Services: Business Models and Technologies for Community Net-works, edited by Imrich Chlamtac, Ashwin Gumaste and Csaba A. Szab  ́o brings together the most important aspects of the problem – technical, legal, regulatory and economic – into one book. The emerging business models and state-of-the-art technologies for broadband networks are covered by an exclusive group of contributing authors from academia, industry and public bodies, including the editors themselves. The editors successfully integrated different contributions into a unified text that provides an integrated view of applications, business consideration and technology aspects of delivering broadband services to business, public and residential users.

There is no similar book currently available in the market. While there exist separate texts on optical or wireless networks, the whole gamut of technologies is not covered in a single book.The technology parts are understandable for the non-technical readers, too. The integrated approach and the coverage of interrelated legal, regulatory and economic issues makes the book really unique. It will be useful for a wide circle of specialists involved in engineering,network planning, business modeling, implementing and operating broadband infrastructures  and services, as well as for researchers, academicians, students interested in the various fields.

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