Sunday, 12 May 2019

Green photo-active nanomaterials : sustainable energy and environmental remediation

Green photo-active nanomaterials : sustainable energy and environmental remediation by  Nurxat Nuraje, Ramazan Asmatulu, Guido Mul, (eds.) 
 This book, entitled Green Photo-active Nanomaterials: Sustainable Energyand Environmental Remediation, is an advanced book about the fundamentals of solar energy conversion, natural and artificial photosyntheticsystems, nanotechnology and nanoscience, and the application of  nanoscience and nanotechnology in energy and environmental remediation,as well as educational and training purposes. Furthermore, nanotechnologyhas a great potential to design artificial photosynthesis systems to store solarenergy, produce fuels from biomass, reduce organic contaminants fromthe environment, and convert carbon dioxide to useful hydrocarbon fuelsbecause of the outstanding mechanical, electrical (conductive and semiconductive), optical, magnetic, quantum mechanics, and thermal propertiesof nanomaterials. These unique properties of nanoscale materials, such asnanoparticles, nanotubes, nanowires, nanofibers, nanocomposites, nanopores, and nanofilms, allow them to design the next generation of photosynthetic devices in energy and environmental applications.

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